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Permanent hearing loss can’t be reversed. Hearing protection is your best friend.

As you rush through the streets, you come across a noisy construction site. The workers all have earmuffs on – this is because they need protection to prevent hearing loss and tinnitus.

Hearing loss is most often caused by noise and aging. There is no way to get the fountain of youth back anytime soon. However, if you do lose your hearing due to aging, it is a good idea for you to visit a hearing care professional. However, noise can be avoided from causing damage to your hearing.

Noise can affect your hearing, but is there a limit?

Every day, you are exposed to noise that is considered noise. Noise could come from traffic, school, work, or even mowing the lawn. The volume is important, but it’s hard to predict.

Normal conversation levels are 60 dB. At take-off, a jet plane can be as loud as 140. Problem is when the sound gets too loud for a prolonged period of time or occurs repeatedly over a long period of time.

Numerous countries have regulations regarding the noise levels that workers can be exposed to in a work day. This is to prevent workers from experiencing any hearing loss or impairment due to the environment. The noise level should not exceed 85 dB.

You shouldn’t be working in a noisy environment. Avoid going to concerts, viewing fireworks close by, flying or listening to too loud music or podcasts through headphones.

What happens if noise causes hearing loss?

The ear is an intricate organ that contains many sensory cells. These cells help the brain hear and interpret sound. If sensory cells perceive the sound as too loud, it could cause damage or even death. There is no way to restore their hearing. This could lead to permanent hearing loss.


Even the smallest, most innocuous rise in decibels can have a significant impact on your hearing. Three decibels could cause damage to your ears.

How do I protect my hearing?

Sometimes you just can’t prepare for the noise of traffic or roadwork. Sometimes, you will know you are going to be exposed to a lot of noise. You might be going to a concert, preparing for the New Year’s fireworks, or mowing your lawn. These are times you need to take extra care to protect your ears.

There are many options for hearing protection, but most often, simple earplugs can keep harmful noise at bay. Earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones may be a better option if your ears are sensitive. These are larger, but they’re also very comfortable. You should consider taking breaks from the action by choosing seats that aren’t too close to noise (e.g., in planes or at concerts).

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