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After you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, and your audiologist recommended hearing aids, it is time to schedule a hearing device fitting appointment. It is as important to fit the hearing aids as choosing the right one. Let’s look at the reasons why fitting hearing aids is so important for you and your hearing aids as well as your ears and your audiologist. 

Fitting your lifestyle

A hearing aid fitting appointment is essential for two reasons. First, it ensures that the device is suitable for you, your ears, and your daily life. Your audiologist will want to make sure they have ordered the right hearing aid and that the manufacturer has made the best possible hearing aid for you.

How to fit your ears

Your hearing professional will also want to make sure that the hearing aid fits and is comfortable for you. Your hearing professional wants to make sure you are happy with your hearing aids every day. They also want you to not put them in a drawer where they can hurt you. They want to make sure that there are no pressure points in your ears that could cause pain or sores. If you’re in the area, come visit Pensacola’s best hearing center.

Fitting your needs

Your audiologist will also check the sound quality and programming of your hearing aid. Your hearing aid is programmed correctly for your hearing loss and your hearing needs. The audiologist will adjust your hearing aids to the most common sound environments, making it easier to switch between settings.

During your fitting appointment, you can make adjustments to your hearing aid. These adjustments will ensure that your hearing aids are used to their best advantage.

Contact an audiologist to learn more about hearing testing, choosing the right device, and fitting hearing aids.

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