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What is a safe listening volume?

Hearing loss is an inevitable part of aging. Hearing loss is a natural part of aging. However, hearing abilities will change as people age. It can be difficult to determine if hearing aids would be the best choice. This article will explain how hearing loss happens...


Gray hair. Wrinkles. Poor eyesight. Your eyesight and hearing are affected by age. As we age, our hearing aids, which are tiny hair cells found in our ears, start to fall apart. Our ability to hear decreases as the number of functional hair cells in our ears...


An earmold (or ear tip) is required if you have a behind the ear hearing aid (BTE). Hearing aids do not come without earmoulds. These molds will have a significant impact on your comfort. The sound your hearing aid produces is affected by their design.   The main...

What are the duties of an Audiologist?

Audiologists are someone you may have heard of, but did you know that they actually do something? Audiologists are specialists in hearing. Most people know that this is true. Although the exact duties of this profession vary, they are all focused on ensuring that...